Five Tips for Searching for Jobs While You’re Still Employed

//Five Tips for Searching for Jobs While You’re Still Employed

Five Tips for Searching for Jobs While You’re Still Employed

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If you are currently still employed but looking for work you are not alone. Look to the right of you, now look to the left. Chances are one of your co-workers falls into this category as well.

However common looking for a job while you are employed is, that still does not mean you should vocalize your intentions in the workplace. The number one rule for looking for work while you are still employed is: STAY EMPLOYED. Follow a few simple criteria for keeping your search confidential and save the relationships you have worked so hard building in the process.

Tip #1: DO NOT look for jobs while you are at work. Not even in the break room, common area or on your company owned laptop. You may have downtime in your day but that does not mean your current company wants you to be looking for outside employment with their resources. Stay focused on your current job during business hours and keep the job search and application process at home.

Tip #2: Choose references that are not current co-workers or managers. Even if you have the best relationship with your boss, if you don’t want it to get out that you are looking don’t list them as a reference.

Tip #3: Schedule phone and in-person interviews carefully. There is no bigger give away than having to leave for several “dentist appointments” over the course of just a few weeks. Most potential employers are respectful of this process so try to schedule interviews around lunch breaks and before or after your work day.

Tip #4: Watch what you say on social media. Not all companies are tracking their employees’ every move, but some do. Keep your search completely confidential. Even private profiles and blocked posts on a thread have the potential to be seen by someone who might know a co-worker or work in your building.

Tip #5: During an interview refrain from talking poorly about your current company. The quickest way to show you are insubordinate is to make poor remarks about the reasons you are leaving. Keep your answer to this common question simple and about you. If you are not being challenged by your current work it’s ok to tell them, but leave personal opinions out of the conversation.

In today’s economy it is important to remain employed while you are searching for something that gives you purpose, direction and excites you. Your job search is no one’s business except your own. Keeping a job search under wraps while still employed is a common practice that your potential employers will understand. Good luck!


By | 2017-12-18T16:08:58+00:00 November 11th, 2014|Interviewing|0 Comments

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